Syrian Legal Platform

Hurras Network

Hurras Network

"Syrian Child Protection Network (Hurras) is the leading NGO in Syria in the field of child protection. Hurras was established in 2013 in response to the need to provide urgent and critical protection to Syrian children, being the most affected victims of the Syrian war. The network has since become the loudest voice in advocating for the protection of Syrian children from the effects of the conflict and in providing them with the urgently needed socio-psychosocial support. Since its establishment, Hurras has committed itself to working inside Syria during the worst stages of the conflict in order to deliver its services directly to children. The network’s services include: the monitoring and documenting of violations; providing comprehensive case management systems that address each individual child’s needs; empowering local communities to understand children’s rights and implement essential protection measures; providing capacity building through a range of specialized trainings and consultations for f..."

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