Syrian Legal Platform

Consultations about Refugees in Turkey

After nine years from the eruption of the Syrian Revolution in 2011 and with the decrease of the military works, the legal file comes on the top of the cases raised

Most Common FAQ's

1- I got married to a Turkish man under a customary marriage contract as a second wife and I gave birth to a son but my husband refuses to register him, do I have the right to ask for alimony for my son?

3- I left Turkey during the feast vacation decided by the Turkish government and I didn’t return in the set appointment and now they are refusing to let me enter Turkey, is there a solution?

5- I legally married a Turkish person and it has been 3 years now since this marriage and when I applied to get the nationality, my papers were rejected because I didn't provide a family residency, so what is the solution?

7- I want to demand reunification with my wife and children, what are the requested documents for that and where to apply with them?

9- I have a “Kemlik” card from a state this is different from the one I am living in, is there a legal responsibility on me?

11- I got married with a customary contract and my wife is still underage and now she is pregnant, so what is the solution?

13- I wrote a lease contract for one year and after few months the leaser wants to end the contract and threatened me with police if I don't do what he says, so what shall I do?

15- I’m a Syrian teacher and I’m employed in one of the Turkish schools but I was informed of getting fired, so is there a solution?

17- What are the most important advices to be considered when I give power of attorney to a lawyer in Turkey?

19- Who will take the custody of children what are the criteria taken by the court to decide?

21- What is the penalty of forging currency or dealing with forged currency?

23- What is the most important thing to be considered and should be written in the lease contract?

25- Is there incrimination for the discriminative behavior and hate speech in the Turkish law?

27- As a Syrian can I buy a property and register it under a name of someone else and guarantee my right in it?

29- If the police station refused to regulate a complaint for me, what shall I do?

2- I have a “Kemlik” and left Turkey for a compelling reason and now I returned illegally to Turkey and the “Kemlik” was canceled, so is there any solution?

4- I got injured during work and I don’t have a work permission and the employer refused to fulfill his commitments towards me, so if couldn’t raise a claim, what can I do?

6- I have a “Kemlik” card, and I got married to a Turkish woman, but they refuse to give me a familial residence permit and this will deprive me from my right to ask for the nationality after the passage of three years of marriage, what is the solution?

8- What is the difference between humanitarian residency and touristic residency and can the carrier of the first one travel outside Turkey?

10- I want to legally register my marriage contract, what are the requested documents and where to apply with them?

12- I entered Turkey about a month ago through the airport pursuant to a visa, so can I issue a “Kemlik” card and stay in Turkey?

14- I got the exceptional nationality, what legal procedures should I take after that?

16- Is it possible- and how - to liquidate the funds of the deceased refugee in Turkey?

18- What is consensual divorce and what are it its terms?

20- Why the Syrians cannot own a property in Turkey?

22- Announcement of selling human organs and the penalty of the doer?

24- Can the Syrian person that has the Turkish nationality invite his parents and bring them to Turkey?

26- Can I ask for compensation for an injury or a death resulted from a road accident?

28- Why doesn’t the Turkish state accept civil documents issued from the interim government?

30- Fast and brief advices and instructions to guarantee safe living in Turkey.

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We have legal experts to answer any questions regarding refugees, personal status issues, civil affairs and properties.